
Quality Policy

Lelox is dedicated to the delivery of products and services to our client as agreed by contract, at a quality that meets or exceeds our client’s expectation, to budget, in an efficient and timely manner, and as is fit for purpose. This is achieved through:
  • Identifying the processes needed for the Lelox Management Manual and their application throughout the organisation;
  • Determining the sequence and interaction of these processes;
  • Determining criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective;
  • Planning and ensuring the viability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes;
  • Monitoring, measuring and analysing these processes;
  • Implementing actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes and outcomes.
Strategies will include:
  • Setting measurable, realistic and achievable quality objectives which are reviewed at least annually.
  • Monitoring progress toward achieving our quality objectives through the use of the Nonconformities & Improvement Report system and monitoring progress of specific plans. The reports and register are reviewed in the quarterly Improvement Meeting and preventative actions taken as necessary;
  • Performing and provide defect free services and work for all clients;
  • Ensuring the entire Lelox Management Manual is reviewed at least annually for continuing suitability.
The Lelox Management Manual of Lelox is based on the concepts of the continuous improvement process of Plan, Do, Check, Act and conforms to the requirements as defined in ISO 9001:2015. This policy and associated procedures will be reviewed in consultation with relevant parties and on the occasion of any changes or amendments to the relevant legislation and/or every twelve (12) calendar months prior to our internal Lelox Management Manual audit.

Ben Nas
Lelox Australia Pty Ltd