Quality Policy
Lelox is dedicated to the delivery of products and services to our client as agreed by contract, at a quality that meets or exceeds our client’s expectation, to budget, in an efficient and timely manner, and as is fit for purpose.
This is achieved through:
- Identifying the processes needed for the Lelox Management Manual and their application throughout the organisation;
- Determining the sequence and interaction of these processes;
- Determining criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective;
- Planning and ensuring the viability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes;
- Monitoring, measuring and analysing these processes;
- Implementing actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes and outcomes.
- Setting measurable, realistic and achievable quality objectives which are reviewed at least annually.
- Monitoring progress toward achieving our quality objectives through the use of the Nonconformities & Improvement Report system and monitoring progress of specific plans. The reports and register are reviewed in the quarterly Improvement Meeting and preventative actions taken as necessary;
- Performing and provide defect free services and work for all clients;
- Ensuring the entire Lelox Management Manual is reviewed at least annually for continuing suitability.
Ben Nas
Lelox Australia Pty Ltd